Before i start i guess i should post my stats before asking for help.
Im 25, 6ft 1" and weigh 84kg (185lbs) @ 10.7% bf.
Now down to business...
Ive just finished a 10 week cycle of Test E, EQ, Rip Blend and put on a decent amount of size im looking now to do a short cutting cycle, no more then 5 weeks and have about 15ml of prop, 10ml of tren and 12 amps of winny.
Was thinking of running the Tren 1ml every 3 days for 4 wks along with the Prop 1ml every 3 days for the first 2wks then 1ml EOD for weeks 3 -4 and begining the winny in the 4th wk to run for 12 days so would basically just be shooting winny for wk 5.
I know its a short cycle and stucturally it may not be perfect but hey thats why im here
All input appreciated, but please no BS just looking for advice...
Before i start i guess i should post my stats before asking for help.
Im 25, 6ft 1" and weigh 84kg (185lbs) @ 10.7% bf.
Now down to business...
Ive just finished a 10 week cycle of Test E, EQ, Rip Blend and put on a decent amount of size im looking now to do a short cutting cycle, no more then 5 weeks and have about 15ml of prop, 10ml of tren and 12 amps of winny.
Was thinking of running the Tren 1ml every 3 days for 4 wks along with the Prop 1ml every 3 days for the first 2wks then 1ml EOD for weeks 3 -4 and begining the winny in the 4th wk to run for 12 days so would basically just be shooting winny for wk 5.
I know its a short cycle and stucturally it may not be perfect but hey thats why im here
All input appreciated, but please no BS just looking for advice...