I just finished watching the show Heavy. I love this show. I love to see the people challenge themselves beyond what they ever thought possible and feel the excitement when they start seeing results. I find this show inspiring on so many levels and can really relate to so many of the struggles these people talk about. My dream job would be to work in a one of those facilities and do the counseling aspect of weight loss.
A special friend of mine shared this quote with me recently...
"Don't judge someone by the number of times they've been knocked down, judge them by the number of times they have picked themselves back up and tried again."
The last few days, I have had some personal challenges and I had completely checked out of the contest mentally. I hit that wall where I really questioned myself, my place in the contest and my reasons for continuing. It really has felt like one obstacle after another and I honestly hit that "forget this" point.
I read that quote and I actually printed it out and put it on my fridge. It struck me and made me remember why I joined this thing in the first place. It was to push myself out of the rut I've been in, challenge my comfort zones and remind myself that I am capable of setting a goal and sticking to it. It has been therapy in a way. I have faced each and every challenge head on and not always dignified but I have grown tremendously on a personal level. Many of you have helped me do that..giving me feedback and support.
And so..I continue on. It's no longer about competing with everyone else...it's about competing with myself and finishing this 12 weeks regardless of the outcome. I've had a mental shift and re-learned some valuable life lessons in the last few days.
Thank you to those of you who have checked in on me, pm'd or emailed me. Even the k messages help me out.
Nothing but smooth sailing from here on out!