Thanks to anyone who offers me some advice.
I am 20 yr old lifting hard for 2 years 5'7" 205@10% bf (do not use gear)
First off, I know that these are the exercises that work for me. I prefer a variety of exercises with less sets per exercise. I used to do a 4 day split mon, tue, thur, fri. Now I want to do a 3 day push/pull/legs split: 1 day on, 1 day off.
I will post my old workout in bold, please just offer suggestions only on the new one unless you have questions about why I did certain things in the old one.
Workout #1- Pull
day off
Workout #2- Push
day off
Workout #3- Legs
day off
Warmup sets are not indicated, only working sets. Warmup usually consists of 1-3 light sets of 4-10 reps for the sole purpose of getting blood in the muscle, once pumped and warmed up 1st set it is a medium weight “feel” set never to failure on almost every movement. Drop sets and forced reps are often implemented on certain exercises, I will usually pick one exercise a day to go really intense on (beyond initial failure)
Pull (Back, Hams, Rear Delts, Bi’s)
2x chin-ups to failure
2x pull-down 10, 8
2x hammer strength hi-row 10, 6
1x barbell row 8
1x t-bar row 6-8
2x cable row 10, 6-8
1x barbell curl 12
2x incline db curl 8, 6-7
2x stiff leg deadlift 12, 10
3x lying leg curl 10, 8, 6
3x barbell shrugs 12, 10, 6-8
2x db shrugs 12, 10
1x rear db laterals
3x reverse pec-deck 10, 8, 5-7
Push (Chest, Shoulders, Tris)
3x incline BB or DB press 12, 10, 6-8
2x flat hammer strength press/DB press 12, 10
2x reverse grip bench/weighted dips 10, 6-8
3x cable flyes 12, 10, 6-8
1x military press 10
2x db side laterals 10, 8
2x machine side laterals 8, 6-8
2x french press 8-10, 6-8
2x cable push-downs 12, 8
1x one arm reverse cable pushdowns 8
Legs (Quads, Calves)
4x standing calf raises/donkey calf raises 15, 12, 10, 8
3x seated calf raises 20, 15, 12
* stretch and take 5 min rest
5x ATF barbell squats 20, 15, 10, 10, 8
3x hack squats/leg press 11, 9, 6
1x leg extensions [10/6/6/4] *triple drop-set
I know that my pull day is a too long, but I love working back and doing a variety of stuff!? I think my push day is looking pretty good and my legs day is perfect. the main reason why I want to do my hams on pull day is because my lower back is just too damn sore if I do SLDL on leg day and then I can't lift as heavy on back day(I feel that SLDL is necessary for hamstring development)
Monday- Chest Shoulders Tris
*pec dec 1 set of 8 reps, 6 forced reps, drop the weight to 60% 5-6 reps to failure again, then 6-8 forced reps, drop the weight again by 50% 6-8 reps to failure then 6-8 forced reps. Yes this is about 30 reps, 24 of them being beyond initial failure to pre-fatigue the chest. Now the workout begins
Incline Bench press: 12, 10
Incline Flye's: 7, 6
wieghted dips: 10, 5
Cable flyes supersetted with pushups to absolute failure (not even 1 pushup on the knees can be done): 10, 8
Side laterals: 12, 10, 8, 6 (be strict)
French press: 10, 8
Cable pushdowns: 10, 8
1 arm reverse pressdowns: 8
Tuesday- Quads Hamstrings
Barbell squats (ATF): 12, 12, 10, 8
Hacks or Leg press: 12,10,8,6
SLDL: 10,8
Leg curl: 10,8,10
Wed: OFF, rest
Thur- Back Biceps
M. grip pulldowns: 12,10
pullovers (machine): 12,10
barbell rows: 12,10,8
EZ curl underhand barbell rows: 10,8
cable rows: 12,10,*8 (triple drop set, lower the weight and continue to pump out at least 6 reps on each drop going to failure)
Incline seat curls: 12,10
*barbell curls: 10... drop the weight by 60% and do 6-10 more reps to failure and have a partner assist you with 6 more reps beyond failure.
Friday- Calves, rear delts, traps
Standing calf raise or donkey calf raise: 20, 15, 12, 10, *8 triple drop set...
Seated calf raise: 15,12,10
your calves will cramp and it will be painful.
Dumbell shrugs: 15 warmup
Barbell shrugs: 12,10,8,15
Dumbell shrug: 12, 10
Dumbell rear laterals (very very strict) 15,12,12,10,8
reverse pec deck: 12,8
Weekend off.
It's a tough but simple, short and sweet workout. get out of the gym in under 60 minutes
[This message has been edited by Valdez (edited April 15, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Valdez (edited April 23, 2001).]
I am 20 yr old lifting hard for 2 years 5'7" 205@10% bf (do not use gear)
First off, I know that these are the exercises that work for me. I prefer a variety of exercises with less sets per exercise. I used to do a 4 day split mon, tue, thur, fri. Now I want to do a 3 day push/pull/legs split: 1 day on, 1 day off.
I will post my old workout in bold, please just offer suggestions only on the new one unless you have questions about why I did certain things in the old one.
Workout #1- Pull
day off
Workout #2- Push
day off
Workout #3- Legs
day off
Warmup sets are not indicated, only working sets. Warmup usually consists of 1-3 light sets of 4-10 reps for the sole purpose of getting blood in the muscle, once pumped and warmed up 1st set it is a medium weight “feel” set never to failure on almost every movement. Drop sets and forced reps are often implemented on certain exercises, I will usually pick one exercise a day to go really intense on (beyond initial failure)
Pull (Back, Hams, Rear Delts, Bi’s)
2x chin-ups to failure
2x pull-down 10, 8
2x hammer strength hi-row 10, 6
1x barbell row 8
1x t-bar row 6-8
2x cable row 10, 6-8
1x barbell curl 12
2x incline db curl 8, 6-7
2x stiff leg deadlift 12, 10
3x lying leg curl 10, 8, 6
3x barbell shrugs 12, 10, 6-8
2x db shrugs 12, 10
1x rear db laterals
3x reverse pec-deck 10, 8, 5-7
Push (Chest, Shoulders, Tris)
3x incline BB or DB press 12, 10, 6-8
2x flat hammer strength press/DB press 12, 10
2x reverse grip bench/weighted dips 10, 6-8
3x cable flyes 12, 10, 6-8
1x military press 10
2x db side laterals 10, 8
2x machine side laterals 8, 6-8
2x french press 8-10, 6-8
2x cable push-downs 12, 8
1x one arm reverse cable pushdowns 8
Legs (Quads, Calves)
4x standing calf raises/donkey calf raises 15, 12, 10, 8
3x seated calf raises 20, 15, 12
* stretch and take 5 min rest
5x ATF barbell squats 20, 15, 10, 10, 8
3x hack squats/leg press 11, 9, 6
1x leg extensions [10/6/6/4] *triple drop-set
I know that my pull day is a too long, but I love working back and doing a variety of stuff!? I think my push day is looking pretty good and my legs day is perfect. the main reason why I want to do my hams on pull day is because my lower back is just too damn sore if I do SLDL on leg day and then I can't lift as heavy on back day(I feel that SLDL is necessary for hamstring development)
Monday- Chest Shoulders Tris
*pec dec 1 set of 8 reps, 6 forced reps, drop the weight to 60% 5-6 reps to failure again, then 6-8 forced reps, drop the weight again by 50% 6-8 reps to failure then 6-8 forced reps. Yes this is about 30 reps, 24 of them being beyond initial failure to pre-fatigue the chest. Now the workout begins
Incline Bench press: 12, 10
Incline Flye's: 7, 6
wieghted dips: 10, 5
Cable flyes supersetted with pushups to absolute failure (not even 1 pushup on the knees can be done): 10, 8
Side laterals: 12, 10, 8, 6 (be strict)
French press: 10, 8
Cable pushdowns: 10, 8
1 arm reverse pressdowns: 8
Tuesday- Quads Hamstrings
Barbell squats (ATF): 12, 12, 10, 8
Hacks or Leg press: 12,10,8,6
SLDL: 10,8
Leg curl: 10,8,10
Wed: OFF, rest
Thur- Back Biceps
M. grip pulldowns: 12,10
pullovers (machine): 12,10
barbell rows: 12,10,8
EZ curl underhand barbell rows: 10,8
cable rows: 12,10,*8 (triple drop set, lower the weight and continue to pump out at least 6 reps on each drop going to failure)
Incline seat curls: 12,10
*barbell curls: 10... drop the weight by 60% and do 6-10 more reps to failure and have a partner assist you with 6 more reps beyond failure.
Friday- Calves, rear delts, traps
Standing calf raise or donkey calf raise: 20, 15, 12, 10, *8 triple drop set...
Seated calf raise: 15,12,10
your calves will cramp and it will be painful.
Dumbell shrugs: 15 warmup
Barbell shrugs: 12,10,8,15
Dumbell shrug: 12, 10
Dumbell rear laterals (very very strict) 15,12,12,10,8
reverse pec deck: 12,8
Weekend off.
It's a tough but simple, short and sweet workout. get out of the gym in under 60 minutes
[This message has been edited by Valdez (edited April 15, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Valdez (edited April 23, 2001).]