20 sets per session is fine for me, I am pretty drained at the end of the workout (which one should be) and I have no desire to lift again on the same day yet I am out of the gym in 50-80 minutes so there's nothing wrong with doing that many sets. realize also that I have a decent amount of mass already so this workout is aimed at producing a more "finished" bodybuilders look to my physique.
yep SLDL just makes back day too darn tuff. this is the completely revised final copy:
Workout #1- Pull
Workout #2- Push
Workout #3- Legs
Warmup sets are not indicated, only working sets. Warmup usually consists of 1-2 light sets of 4-10 reps for the sole purpose of getting blood in the muscle, once warmed up 1st set it is a medium weight “feel” set never to failure on almost every movement. Drop sets and forced reps are sometimes implemented on certain exercises, I will usually pick one exercise a day to go really intense on (beyond initial failure)
2nd and last set for every exercise is always a little heavier and in a slightly lower rep range. for example on cable rows the stack is usually at 250 for the first set at 8-10 reps, second is at 270 for 6-8 reps. exercises like tricep pushdowns and other accessory exercises are always done in a quick pyramid fashion, first set fails at 10 reps, second at 6-8
Pull (Back, Rear Delts, Bi’s) reps at 5-12
2x BB shrug
2x DB shrug
2x chins to failure
2x pull-downs
2x fixed T-bar row
2x cable row
2x machine row
1x BB curl/cable curl
3x incline seat curl *these are done with lighter weight than usual for me and are done very strict.
2x bent DB rear laterals (sometimes done with butt sitting at the end of a flat bench and feet way out and done really heavy when I have a little energy left in my traps and back.
2x reverse pec-deck
Push (Chest, Shoulders, Tris) reps at 5-12
3x incline BB or DB press
2x flat hammer strength press/DB press
2x reverse grip bench/close grip bench
2x cable flyes superset with pushups to failure
1x DB or BB military press (chest power is toast so weight is pretty light compared to usual
2x DB side laterals
2x machine side laterals
2x DB overhead extension
2x cable push-downs
1x one arm reverse cable pushdowns
Legs (Quads, Calves) calves are not always done before quads but usually.
3x standing calf raises/donkey calf raises 8-15 reps
3x seated calf raises 10-20 reps
* stretch and take 5 min rest
3x ATF barbell squats 15, 10, 8
2 hack squats/leg press 10, 8
1x leg extensions [10/6/6/4] *triple drop-set
2x SLDL 10, 7 *done with slightly lighter weight then I normally would do, I can do 385 for 6 good reps but choose to use a little lighter weight and focus on hamstrings... maybe working sets with 245, 275... but probably 315 because I always get psyched up when doing this exercise.
3x leg curl 10, 8, 6
[This message has been edited by Valdez (edited April 23, 2001).]