New member
I decided to go with a cycle of test. prop. 50 mg/wk, 12.5 mg every 3 days, for my first and probably only cycle. First week I was normal, 2nd week I had some strength increases and then I hurt msyelf arm wrestling. 3rd week I notice all of my joints feeling like they need to be lubed and held together, especially my shoulders, elbows and hands, but it is also being felt less severely in my ankles and knees. My shoulders are cracking with just simple movement and at times it feels like my arms are gonna come out of the shoulder socket. I took a week off from all upper body work and started back lightly, doing lots of stretching, and lifting carefully. I delayed my last shot by a day (by mistake) and was feeling somewhat better that morning than I had in 2 weeks, then by that night I was feeling joint discomfort again. Could the prop be the cause here? Anyone experience joint pain/discomfort like this?
I've had no other sides except for the 2nd and 3rd week some increased sexual stuff and my skin seems dryer than usual, but that could just be because we've had the heat on and the air's drying me out. I don't know if what I'm going through could be cycle related or just coincidence. Any ideas?
I've had no other sides except for the 2nd and 3rd week some increased sexual stuff and my skin seems dryer than usual, but that could just be because we've had the heat on and the air's drying me out. I don't know if what I'm going through could be cycle related or just coincidence. Any ideas?