velvett said:
It was so small - I got up and went home.
Is it true what they say about guys with small hands? This is a serious question. If I see a guy with small features (no chin is a total turnoff for me - a guy has got to have a strong jaw line), small hands (even though he is 5'10" or bigger) - I never give the guy a chance subconsciously.
I am terrified that he might have a REALLY REALLY TEENY PEENY and would have to do the same! LOL
Really hyuge guys scare me too... but I am attracted to men who are physically big - broad shoulders, really tall, big hands, etc.
The most amazing sex I have ever had was with a guy that was 6' 4", 240 #.... hardly any body hair (except on his head where it was like a shag carpet), dark skin (had a bit of native American in his blood) who had skillz that were UN-IMAGINABLE!!! There was nothing that this guy could do to turn me off. He did EEEEEEEEEEVERYTHING RIGHT!
I still remember the last time we were together. We were "only friends" (at his request LOL) *wink*... yea, it took him like an extra minute and a 1/2 to get his clothing off because we were stoned. It was late February 2002.
God, I remember that sex like it was yesterday....