same horrible chick as posted previously....
took her to the Marine Corps ball with me one year, as i didn't have a date and figured i was gonna be drunk as hell, why not bring her so i am gaurenteed a piece of ass afterwards, right?
i get so lit at the bar afterwards, i'm seeing 4 of everything for a while. by the time we got back to the hotel, i was only seeing 2 of everything. we crawled in bed, and i said "so, wanna fuck?" she just laughed and said "sure" and i laughed also. then i said "i wasn't kidding." "i wasn't either....."
so we start messing around, then i realize what i had just gotten myself into. i couldn't bail out right away, i mean, damn, i was drunk and horny. had her go down on me, and i was so damn drunk it took 1/2 hour. she kept coming up and saying "i want you to eat me" and i'd just tell her "yeah, sure, as soon as you're done with me" so she'd keep going. she told me twice she just wanted to start fucking, and i told her as soon as she was done with me, i'd eat her like crazy and then we'd fuck, so she kept going til i finally got off.
i got up and went to get a drink of water and started trying to think my way out of the situation. then it hit me....i was hammered and THAT would get me out of it. i walked back to the bed, then crawled in and buried my head in the pillow and started going "oooohhhhhhh..........iiiiiii.......think.......iiiiiiii.....drank too much......"
she started cuddling with me and i fell asleep in under 2 minutes
that was the LAST time anything sexual happened between us....thank god!
oh, forgot to add this before.....out of maybe a dozen times we slept together, i only went down on her maybe 4 times, and this was for 2 good reasons. #1 was that she had a HORRIBLE smell. yeah, the smell went away after a few minutes, but the initial whiff was enough to make you think twice about going down there. i always came up with an excuse or said "i just want to FUCK" to get out of it. #2 reason was that this chick could shave herself bald in the morning and have a double 5 o'clock shadow by mid-afternoon. it was rough enough to tear your face apart. really sucked, cause she had by far the prettiest pussy i have ever been up close and personal with.