ok bro. Dont know if you saw this.
(CMP or patello-femoral pain syndrome)
The following guidelines are for information purposes only. We recommend seeking professional advice before beginning rehabilitation.
Aim of taping:
The aim of taping the kneecap is to correct the abnormal position of the patella (kneecap).
This should prevent it from tracking in the wrong place, rubbing on the femur bone and causing pain.
When should it be used?
If the athlete has pain on normal daily activities then taping should be applied all day and gradually reduced as the knee improves.
If there is pain only on specific activies then only tape for those activities or rehabilitation exercises.
How is it done?
It is done by finding the sore spot where the underneath of the patella rubs on the tibia bone underneath.
It is often trial and error to tape the kneecap away from this position. The kneecap may need to be glided sideways away from the sore spot.
It may also need to be tilted or rotated. It is up to the therapist to look and assess the patella. If the first attempt is not successful then try a tilt or rotation.
Always assess the effectiveness of taping by performing a painful activity such as a squat before applying the tape, then repeat the activity after the tape is applied. If the taping has been effective then the activity should be virtually pain free.
What is required?
Fixomul / Hypafix type tape.
2.5cm (1 inch) non stretch white zinc oxide tape.
It is often possible to buy a specific patella taping kit.
Step 1
Assess the knee cap to determine which way the tape should be applied.
By moving and pressing the knee cap it may be possible to establish where the sore spot is and which way the patella should be pulled.
This is usually towards the middle of the knee (medially).
Step 2
Apply strips of the Fixomul / Hypafix tape covering the patella (kneecap) area.
Do not apply any tension to the stips at this point.
Re-assess the position of the kneecap again.
Step 3 - If the patella needs tilting
Apply a strip of 2.5cm non stretch tape from the middle of the kneecap towards the inside of the knee.
Pull on the tape gently before fixing to assist in gliding the patella towards the inside of the knee.
This can be increased further by pushing the skin on the inside of knee towards the kneecap before fixing the tape.
Step 4 - If the patella needs gliding medially
Apply a strip of 2.5cm non stretch tape from the outside of the knee to the inside applying tension before fixing the tape.
Step 5- If the patella needs rotating
Apply a strip of 2.5cm non stretch tape from bottom of the kneecap inwards and upwards diagonally to rotate the patella.
To rotate the other way, apply tape from the top.
Assess the position of the patella. If additional strips are required then apply as in steps 3 and 4.
Finally the athlete performs a previously painful activity. If successful there should be at least a 50% reduction in pain if not a complete reduction of pain.