nydj66 is there a safe way of getting this stuff into south africa? I'm really afraid of customs? and I dont know anyone here that sells it, but if it will save me surgery I Iwould really like to give it a bash... how many bottles would I need?
see if I am cold (you see no signs of gyno) but when it is hot it is very visable, specially to me and as everyone knows thats had it, its really bad on your self confidance.
I wouldn't know the first thing about South African customs. I used 2.5mg/day for 1 month. For liquid letro that's 1 bottle, but Femara is the trade name for the pills and they come at 2.5mg as well.
If you get the liquid you'll either need 2 bottles so you can taper down or you'll need nolvadex so you can use that for 2 weeks after the letro to combat the estrogen rebound.