slowly but surely. it's pretty miserable and I feel like a toothpick (not that I was ever huge) from not really lifting. but it is MUCh better from the first injection and I am all for a second one if it is worth it. trying to stay active - lifting lightly, doing a lot of cardio, bike rides.
I was going to post a pic and have it be a before one, but four months of being overworked, eating out every day, and not getting into the gym has made me a disgrace. If you're still gutly I'll do a fat-off. 12 weeks and see who makes the most progress.
I was going to post a pic and have it be a before one, but four months of being overworked, eating out every day, and not getting into the gym has made me a disgrace. If you're still gutly I'll do a fat-off. 12 weeks and see who makes the most progress.