...will be adding in ipamorelin and modGHRF(1-29)at 100mcg at bedtime 7 days a week for the next 8 weeks. Already added in tren/masteron and winny starting week 7 to the eq and test e.
500mg test/eq week
30mg winny ed
400mg tren e week
400mg masteron e week
hcg at 250 iu x2 week
letrazole/aromasin and cabisar as needed.
So far, sides are minimal. Some cramping in legs, a little harder to sleep at night. Other than that not bad at all.
I would not recommend this cycle for the inexperienced or the faint of heart. It has its moments and they can be brutal and you have to have a good constitution and resolve to push past those moments and keep on going!
Hope to get some pics this weekend of progress.
500mg test/eq week
30mg winny ed
400mg tren e week
400mg masteron e week
hcg at 250 iu x2 week
letrazole/aromasin and cabisar as needed.
So far, sides are minimal. Some cramping in legs, a little harder to sleep at night. Other than that not bad at all.
I would not recommend this cycle for the inexperienced or the faint of heart. It has its moments and they can be brutal and you have to have a good constitution and resolve to push past those moments and keep on going!
Hope to get some pics this weekend of progress.