originally posted by msboss
Just wondering: why did you decide to take primo. How are you feeling on it?
i chose primo for my first cycle for a few reasons... i feel that after researching all possibilities, this was the best choice for me to start off with. first off it is one of the safest and mildest injectable AAS. very low androgenic, thus decreasing the possibility of sides. also it is not a 17 AA, making it safer and less toxic as far as the liver is concerned. Also, Primobolan recently has been used in medical studies as it has been shown to 'boost' the immune system, and increase white cell/lymphocyte counts. aslo, a good friend of mine ::cough::magdelana::cough:: has been using primo for a long time, and has had great results, she recommended i look into it as an option and after some research i fell in love
so why did i chose it... once upon a time i had leukemia, 3 and 1/2 yrs ago i had a bone marrow transplant, today i am in complete remission and completely healthy... however being that i have recieved high dose chemotherapy along with total body irradiation, and many many drugs and medications during treatment, i felt that i would go with whatever was mildest not only because of sides, but also mildest on my liver and other organs (who have suffered due to past medical treatment).. and also considered it a plus that it has been shown also to offer benefits to the immune system. even though mine is completely better now, a little extra help never hurts
i have been on for a week and a half and feel great. sex drive has increased, overall just feeling great. i have gained almost 3 lbs, and am definitly feeling stronger. i mentioned earlier, i am not sure if it is the primo kicking in already, or maybe its just that i am eating more, or maybe i am just nuts... but whatever it is, i feel awesome
how are you feeling on EQ? when did you start, and how do you like it so far?