And wipe your feet and wash your hands before you sit down at the keyboard. And say grace. And masturbate twice to the video of the 1994 Mr. Olympia. And excuse yourself when you leave.
You know what I'd rather see? Some smarter answers. Too many people come off like experts and make absolutely absurd recommendations. Is it better that a 22 year old is told to take 2 grams a week for 16 weeks than it is to tell a 20 year old to take 10 ms of d-bol a day for 4 weeks?
I agree with this but in the same breath its up to the actual person to research the hell out of what theyre injecting/ingesting/altering their body with
I take every piece of advice given to me on any of the boards I belong to and research the hell out of always seems like a good starting point to me..or middle point rather.
I see painfully bad advice everywhere ..what bugs me is how quickly someone is "jumped" anywhere not just elite when they disagree with the "expert" advice
a simple example is actually diet...when you suggest something like IF you occasionally still get an earful (screen full?) of ridicule for your horrible grasp of diet...its just makes me *sigh* post a few links and move on
I studied endocrinology very thoroughly in college and furthered it when I was diagnosed with an endocrine cancer ....and the things I see perpetuated by bro-science amaze me..
I tend to bow out of those conversations because Im just a drop of a rain in a storm...why bother with the fight.