I'm always seeing this dumbbell evangelism for chest building so I'm curious how you guys deal with hoisting up the big boys in order to do a set. I'm a big fan of using dumbbells with just a slight incline (easier on the back) for shoulder presses, but inorder to hit the chest, I'd have to through around so pretty large bells. Alot of the injuries I've witnessed in the gym over the last couple of years have been linked directly through dumbbell usage. You name it, I've seen it: strained/torn pectoral muscles, damaged rotator cuffs, separated ac joints, elbow degeneration, etc. While the muscle injuries can be attributed to over emphasizing range of motion, most of the other orthopaedic injuries occuring when hoisting the dumbbells into position or carlessly discarding them after a set unto a rubber mat. I know alot of oldtimers swore by the dumbbell back in the day, so I'm really curious on what you guys do to keep playing with the big bells without getting hurt.