New member
You need to remember that you will always get the lowest percentage gains from your bench work.
I have been working a lot with Wendler as it relates to the HS team I coach and the 5/3/1. He has told me that he has seen the best success if the bench portion of the cycle is repeated several times (3 or more) without touching the weight numbers. So if your 1 RM is 225 leave it there for 3 cycles, then retest it. You should see a bigger jump then. Again, according to Jim, this is even more true for girs as they have very weak upper bodies as a rule.
I graphed the progress of my team. We did retest after each cycle and with only a couple exceptions the bench was the lowest gains, and in one case remained relatively flat with only a 10 lb increase over 5 cycles (this was a girl). The cases were we had abnormally high gains I think can be contributed to specific changes in form thanks to Jason Christus' help in one of our mini-seminars I put together with several of the big lifters in the area.
This is not to say that the program is flawed - its not. You are just dealing with an exercise that has the hardest gain potential when measured over time. Remember, you are dealing with a lot of smaller muscles (except for the pec), whereas with the DL and squat, you are training some of the biggest muscle groups in the body.
really? lowest from bench as opposed to military? Is there any reason for that?
That's sick that you work with wendler man- that definitely makes sense and since i am not really progressing too well in bench i think i am going to stick with that suggestion of keeping the weights the same.
As far as assistance goes, do you think that switching from DB Rows/DB Bench to BB Rows/1 arm clean/jerk can have any potential benefit on my bench?