Famous story...
Back in the 1930s and '40s, Pudgy Stockton was known as "The 1st Lady of Muscle Beach." She was one of the first women bodybuilders at a time when women just didn't lift weights. (During the heyday of Muscle Beach and the beginning physical fitness movement, Pudgy graced more than 40 magazine covers world wide.) One day Pudgy was working out with Steve Reeves on the beach. Her back muscles were rippling... delts pumped... biceps bulging... a crowd gathered around the old platform that was set up on the beach and watched as she and Steve went through their exercise routine. One skinny guy in the crowd turned to his friend and said a little too loudly, "Eww... I'd never want to go out with a girl that looked like that." Steve called to the guy from the stage:
"Don't worry, pal. You never will."