hanibal- I understand what you are saying, I know every guy is not going to be attracted to every bodybuilder etc..and if they are not, that is fine...it doesnt mean they are insecure etc automatically..just like people are not attracted to everyone they see in general..I understand that..its comments that were made, about finding Valentina attractive you would have to be homosexual is what got me started!!
Like W6 said men are very uncomfortable around women w/ muscle...most men are..and they do not know how to handle it..ive dealt w/ many like that..most are jealous they do not have the discipline it takes to attain a muscular physique. My main point was no negative shit!! If ya dont like it..dont come here, or just dont post your opinion..
I have no patience for these type of things anymore!

I have no patience for these type of things anymore!