Training Update--7.5 weeks left for my summer
Going back to a program I used with much success in the past. Helped me put on a good deal of size quick (did it for 4 weeks before school work got super busy) and strength as well-its brutal but it works if you stay away from failure.
T NATION | Stripped Down Hypertrophy --most people will cry over training--it's not if you do it correctly and put ego aside. Anyways...
Day 1 SDH
Warm up--3 sets rear delts/3 sets face pulls/ bodyweight split squats
Barbell Row: focus on contracting
145-4x10 (go up to 150 next time)
DB Low Incline Neutral grip: No lockout
75-10-10-7 (go for 4 sets at 75 next time)
Push Press-these were tough after chest-slight bend of knee
135-5x5--add weight--last 2 sets felt easy
Weighted Pull-up:
25-5x5 (go up to 30)
I went easy on the legs today because my quads/glutes were a little sore from yesterday. Tomorrow will employ full leg work.
Diet is going to be a lot of food (protein will stay around 250 as usual but upping carbs) I will be foam rolling and doing some hip mobility stuff on my off days. On the workouts before an off day, I will be doing 5 minutes of trap bicep, calf and ab work-circuit style. Every workout will warm up with face pulls/band pull-aparts/rear delt work and some split squats off a bench-these really help warm up my knees.
Will post diet later.
Everyone should read this article btw its a good one.