i was clearing 7000 cals for abour 6 months then i upped to 8000 cals for 2 months. i do not do it any more i am eating 3000-4000 do to my inlarged heart. drinking tons of whole milk all day long will add up the cals quick. so does penut butter. my concern would be the no veggies. the greens are a must. you need them.
as far as growth goes if you get yourself to the point where you can digest that much (it can be done) and you are on enough gear to raise protein synthesis enough and use slin to shuttle the nutrients around you are at the top of your game and growth will be at its highest.
as far as health goes you are beating the piss out of your body. its not made to work so hard all the time. with me my heart was unable to keep up and it grew on me. that is verry dangerous. i would have died if i wasnt getting checked by the doc every few wks. my body cant handle the beating i put on it plus carry the extra 100lbs of mass that was the result of the beating. thats not the only risk, there are lots of them. these diets that tripple the rda and more are never healthy no matter how hard you try you are still putting more stress on your body than it is built to withstand. keep that in mind when you play around with your diet. its not just steroids that carry the risks, its the whole lifestyle.
as far as growth goes if you get yourself to the point where you can digest that much (it can be done) and you are on enough gear to raise protein synthesis enough and use slin to shuttle the nutrients around you are at the top of your game and growth will be at its highest.
as far as health goes you are beating the piss out of your body. its not made to work so hard all the time. with me my heart was unable to keep up and it grew on me. that is verry dangerous. i would have died if i wasnt getting checked by the doc every few wks. my body cant handle the beating i put on it plus carry the extra 100lbs of mass that was the result of the beating. thats not the only risk, there are lots of them. these diets that tripple the rda and more are never healthy no matter how hard you try you are still putting more stress on your body than it is built to withstand. keep that in mind when you play around with your diet. its not just steroids that carry the risks, its the whole lifestyle.