Ok, I am a mesomorph ( that what it called?) either way I add and lose fat very easy. I did alittle week/two week binge on bad stuff and added alittle fat, not much just alittle. But now I got my creatine and wanted to start bulking. I did a alittle bit of cardio this past week to lean up before I bulked because I heard the leaner you are the more muscle you will gain. Either way I am at 12-14% bf, should I start bulking yet or lean up another week or two then bulk? I want to do a two month bulk then start cutting by the begining of decemember so I can start bulking mid january again, basically don't wanna be fat over christmas since alot of pics will be taken and I will see alot of relatives etc. ( I know i got it tough, no not really, it may seem stupid but it will work well in the end if all goes well)
This is what my diet/training routine will look like when I bulk:
Diet will be 3000 on training days and 2000-2200 on non training days, 40/30/30 split.
Training will be corns routine with alittle added something for the upper pecs, cause I need work in that area.
Deadlifts 1 max set of 20. - stiff legged
Overhead Press - 5 sets of 5
Squats - 5 sets of 3
Seated Calf Raise - 2 sets of 20
Barbell Rows - 5 sets of 5
Bench Press - 5 sets of 5
Incline DB press 5sets of 5 (next week it will be incline barbell and flat db press, switch it up week from week)
Deadlifts - 1 set of 20 - bent knee
Standing Calf Raise - 2 sets of 20
Shrugs - 5 sets of 5
Barbell Curls - 5 sets of 5
Dips - 5 sets of 5
Squats - 5 sets of 5 with weight from Monday
I Already Did the first day of this routine and liked it, should I continue with the second day tomorrow and start my creatine/bulking diet, or should I wait till monday and start then? How much fat do you think I will gain comsuming 3000 on training days and 2000-2200 on non training days along with sprints on non training days to help build speed? This was a long post didn't really mean it to be this long, I know I asked alot of questions but if you could take the time to answer them I would apreciate it.
By the way for those that don't know, I am 15, 5'4, 5'5 150-55lbs. 12-14%bf estimated.
This is what my diet/training routine will look like when I bulk:
Diet will be 3000 on training days and 2000-2200 on non training days, 40/30/30 split.
Training will be corns routine with alittle added something for the upper pecs, cause I need work in that area.
Deadlifts 1 max set of 20. - stiff legged
Overhead Press - 5 sets of 5
Squats - 5 sets of 3
Seated Calf Raise - 2 sets of 20
Barbell Rows - 5 sets of 5
Bench Press - 5 sets of 5
Incline DB press 5sets of 5 (next week it will be incline barbell and flat db press, switch it up week from week)
Deadlifts - 1 set of 20 - bent knee
Standing Calf Raise - 2 sets of 20
Shrugs - 5 sets of 5
Barbell Curls - 5 sets of 5
Dips - 5 sets of 5
Squats - 5 sets of 5 with weight from Monday
I Already Did the first day of this routine and liked it, should I continue with the second day tomorrow and start my creatine/bulking diet, or should I wait till monday and start then? How much fat do you think I will gain comsuming 3000 on training days and 2000-2200 on non training days along with sprints on non training days to help build speed? This was a long post didn't really mean it to be this long, I know I asked alot of questions but if you could take the time to answer them I would apreciate it.
By the way for those that don't know, I am 15, 5'4, 5'5 150-55lbs. 12-14%bf estimated.