I felt really good this moring, but like a beached whale last night.
I din't bloat or anything from cheating. Water was very minimal yesterday, so I took it easy last night and didn't drink a bunch of water after the show. I had 2 glasses of iced tea and a bottle of water before bed. Woke up at 3am thirsty, so drank 1/2 a bottle of water and went back to bed.
Woke up this morning - looked and felt good. Had a cup of coffee and a glass of iced tea with a crab and avacoado omelette
- and I've been drinking water all day. We went down to the boardwalk and I had an icecream cone and some more water. Tonight, we're eating at Benihanas. Jeff's never been there, so I'm buying him dinner. Tomorrow morning, I'll be eating oatmeal. I'm already sick of junk food. lolol
I don't know what show to do yet. My options are (I think) to either:
1. wait a year and do the Arnold Amatuer. This would give me time to add some muscle.
2. I can take a short break and start cutting again for the USA's end of July. If I keep my weight down for the next month or so (by that I mean gaining maybe only 5 pounds back), cutting should be easy. I'd have to get really shredded to do that show - but I think I'd still come in as a light heavy.
Weight classes are as follows:
light = 115 and under
middle = 116 - 125
light heavy = 126 - 140
heavy = over 140
Shadow and I have talked about his - and I don't think I can get down below 125 without losing muscle.
Now that I know (sort of) what I'm doing, I have a much better understanding of what I need to look like. I know the USA's are TOUGH. I don't expect to win or even come in the top 5. (lol) - but I'd like to see how I stack up.
...and like I said, I could always wait until next year. I plan on discussing this with Shadow.
Jeff has already given to go for either. I've talked this over with him and told him that it's not my decision alone - I kind of look at us as a team. My relationship/home life comes first. I told him that if he needed a break (
), I'd wait...but he said he'd like to see me do the USA's. So.....