Its an abbreviated listing for 4 day a week Big Beyond Belief routines. I'd like to get the rest of it, but this listing should be enough to get started with.....
Also, dont know if anyone is interested, but looks like Leo Costa has a new training book out something like "Titan Training". Go to, do an author search on Leo Costa and it will pull up Big Beyond Belief and the new one. Thinking about getting it.....
Its been 1 month since I have been on this program. I love it. Right now it is the one that has been working for me.
My whole body feels constantly pumped and full.
I know this is probably getting a bit old, but I would surely appreciate a copy -- [email protected]. Being natural, I am always looking for something to help put on some quality pounds. Thanks bros.
I tried the serious growth seals program a few years ago. It was a six day a week program and the only mass it was supposed to add was functional. It was mainly a strength program. However, I grew like a weed. I also got strong as hell. It was a great program.
I've been looking for the full blown program so I can grow. Thanks.
I tried the "serious growth" stuff after a buddy on dr.squat board sent me the manual.
I've been lifting weights for 20 years ( just for muscle gain purposes). In that time I've been doing schedules similar to what Le Costa/Platz recommend, but I didn't fully appreciate the theoretical side of it until they explained it.
This stuff really works. I do my own controlled "overtraining" workouts to always make sure your in the training zone for optimum growth. Once you appreciate what these guys are on about you can always make the gains.
You don't need large volume workouts, but rather frequent, brief, intense pumping!