Tuesday JUNE 12
4:30 P.M.
Upper body work-out
Incline DB chest press (SS) (35'sX10)(40X10)(45X10)(50X8)
Incline DB Chest Fly (SS) (30'sX10)X3 (30X9)
DB Shoulder Press (35X10)(40X10)(45X9)(45X7)
Side/lateral DB raise (opposites) (10X10)X3 (10X8/5X7) Burn-out last set
Full range of motion lat pull down (SS) (90X10) (100X8) (90X9) (90X8)
Pull ups (SS) (65 X10) (65X10) (65X10) (65X9) Last forced negatives
Close Grip Cable Row (SS) (95X10) (100X10) (105X10) (110X9)
Dips(SS) (10 X BW) X4
Medicine Ball Crunch(SS) (25X10)X2
Medicine Ball Oblique Crunch(SS) (25X10)X2
Frog Crunch (25)X2
Stability ball straight (SS) (15)X2
Stability Ball twisting (SS) (10)X2
9:00 p.m.
Interval Training (Bunz found the treadmill you speak of

5 min Warm up 7.0 incline 3.0
8 sets of the following
30 sec jog 7.0 incline 3.0
30 sec sprint 9.0 incline 3.0
30 sec walk recovery 4.0 incline 3.0
1 set
30 sec walk recovery 4.0 incline 3.0
30 sec jog 7.0 incline 3.0
30 sec sprint 9.0 incline 3.0
30 sec walk recovery 4.0 incline 3.0
30 sec sprint 9.0 incline 3.0
30 sec jog 7.0 incline 3.0
60 sec walk recovery 4.0 incline 3.0
Sweated a LOT, but next time can do more
Food Yesterday
M1 Low Carb Wrap, egg whites, salsa
M2 Protein, kashi, coffee
M3 Chicken, turkey, broccoli
M4 Protein, apple
M5 Chicken, turkey, broccoli
M6 PB, Egg whites, pudding mix
1 Gallon water
M1 Oats, berries, egg whites
M2 protein, berries, metamucil, pudding mix
M3 Chicken, turkey, veggie
That's all I have so far
Does that work for everyone