Supplements to increase muscle insulin sensitivity are a great idea on any diet, whether it be ketogenic or carbohydrate based.
Alpha lipoid acid (ALA) is a potent anti-oxidant in the body and a good supplement to take but it won't do much for helping increase muscle insulin sensitivity and stabilizing blood glucose levels. Some studies SUGGEST that it may help improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients but no studies actually proved those claims. Supplement companies are very good at taking studies that suggest something and then using it to market their products.
There are a couple things you can do to increase muscle insulin sensitivity and maintain stable blood glucose levels:
1. Alot of people on a keto diet seem to think fruit is ok. The problem with fruit is that it's very high in sugar and will cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin. I would limit fruit to one serving per day max.
2. A good nutrient portioning supplement like N2slin from will also help because it will increase muscle insulin sensitivity.
3. Supplement with 6-10g of fish oil per day to increase muscle insulin sensivity as well.