New member
My bench is finally starting to go up considerably within the last 2 wks or so, and Im fearing that inevitable plateau. My question is, will I be ok if Im benching once a week and not going any less then sets 3 reps? (maybe 2-3 sets of 3 reps) Last year when my bench was similiar to where it is at now, I maxed almost every week and after about a month I lost everything. I did some research and found that the nervous system cant really take a max effort on the same exercise for more then 3 weeks or so(?)So if I continue to not go below sets of 3 reps, do you think I will retain my strength and even continue to move up. In short, for you benchers out there what is the least amount of reps you will perform? Thanks a lot. For example yesterday I went 315lbs 6x, 325lbs 3x, 315lbs 3x , then 275lbs 10x and then finished with 225lbs 15x All of those sets were not done to complete failure. Thanks for any input guys and gals.