Here are some bulking/cutting that I posted awhile back. Scroll halfway down the page (you don't have to be plat- they're full size).
I laid off deads for about a year, and the past year has been pretty fucked- a DWI kept me out of the gym a lot and killed my motivation. Now I'm kind of in a stagnant life-lull and have been feeling totally apathetic about everything. I'm trying to make an effort to get back in the gym and clean up my act now- start training like I should, eating like I should.... all that good stuff. Busting a PR by ten pounds with that deadlift kind of reminded me how good it can feel.
Helluva job casavant. I have been waiting for you to drop some lines here on the Training board. We could benefit greatly from your point of view, creative writing, and expertise. good to see you man.