I used to drink a lot of shakes, but I've made much better gains by putting the time in to cook all my whole food meals. I only drink 1 shake per day, and that's post workout. Besides, most shakes give me bloat, gas, and horrible aftertaste. Just remember a few things. Whey is designed to be absorbed quickly. After an hour post- shake your body is starving again. Also, these are synthetic products, the quality is not the same as whole foods. Finally, drinking shakes instead of eating non-palatable foods like egg whites, plain grilled chicken, and tuna out of the can is EASY. If something in this sport is easy, it's not the right thing to do, such as smith machine aquats instead of free standing, or pec deck instead of dumbell flyes, or pulldowns instead of barbell rows.
Also, protein powders are usually high in cholesterol. But if your job is so hectic that you cant eat, I guess you have no choice.