New member
tzan said:I currently have been on a clean bulking diet that brakes down like:
3200 cals
335 protein
260 carbs
85 fats
The outlined diet below is what I have come up with to run with my primo/var/test cycle which looks like:
600mg primo wks 1-10
350mg test wks 1-10
40mg var wks 4-12
1mg armidex ed
I'm currently at 210lbs 10%bf. Goal is to get down to at least 8%bf while maintaining size. Tell me what you think of this diet.....
meal 1- 1/2 cup oats/8egg whites/1tbsp pb
meal 2(PWO)- dextrose/2.5scops protein
meal 3- 2slices wheat bread/3chicken breasts/1tbsp flax
meal 4-1/4cup brown rice/3chicken breasts/1tbsp flax
meal 5- 1cup g-beans/2scops pro/1tbsp pb
meal 6- 2chicken breasts/1tbsp flax
2800 cals
360 protein
165 carbs
75 fats
2 gallons of H20
Cycle looks good, but for the diet I'd cut out the brown rice and bread. Replace them with oatmeal and yams.