Take a chicken breast and butterfly it. Season with Lemon Pepper and add to hot fry pan with Spray or tsp of olive oil. Turn pan down to medium and move the breast over to make room for:
3-4 slices of fat free/low fat sliced ham/turkey, etc. Don't cook them for too long - you just want them a little bronw and hot.
Flip the chx breast over and layer one side of it with the sliced ham & about 1/4 cup cheese of your choice. (i use fat free or low fat. if you're bulking - use whatever you want)
Fold the other chx breast half over the first, turn the heat down to low, and cover until the cheese is melted.
Butterfly the breast (I do this because it takes less time to cook) cook same way as in #1, except use a larger sauce pan. When breast is done, remove it from pan and either shred it or cube it.
Throw the meat back into the pan and add a can of chicken broth. Also add:
green onions
or whatever vegis you like
season with a little soy sauce - not too much. While this is heating, beat together:
2 eggs or 4 eggwhites
When broth is starting to bubble, slowly drizzle in the egg. The egg will cook almost immediately. It's done!
I use chicken breasts to make a fajita salad. You can grill the chicken or cook it in a pan like I have for the other recipes. When the breast is done, slice it into strips and add to pan with
bell pepper & onion strips
Add a packet of chicken fajita seasoning to coat the chx & vegis. When you feel, they're done, remove them from the pan and add them to a plate of greens or baby spinach. Top with your favorite cheese & a little italian dressing.