Overall, it looks pretty good. But of course, I wouldn't be me unless I nit-pick.
1) It is very very hard to REALLY lean out (lose BF) and gain muscle at the same time. Yes, when you are just starting out, or starting back, you will be able to do both at the same time for a LITTLE WHILE. Then, it will become very hard. To lose BF, you need a deficit of calories, and usually lower in carbs. To gain muscle, you need a surplus of calories, and usually more carbs. See how it is hard to do both at the same time? To maximize your time, energy and effort, you need to pick one and concentrate on it. Then, switch.
2) You need more green veggies. Make green veggies unlimited, add some to the salad at night. The 5pm meal could have lettuce (or spinach), garbanzo beans, brocolli, peppers, mushrooms, on it. Make it more nutritious.
3) You need fat in your diet. Fat is almost non-existant there now. You need fat to function and lose fat. Change the 2:30 meal to 5 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Drizzle some olive oil and balsalmic vinegar (home mix) over green veggies or a salad. Also, you last meal should have fat in it too (see below).
4) Going from 7pm to 6:30am is almost 12 hours with no food. While you sleep, your body makes it repairs. During this time is when muscle is built (or destroyed). If you do not have enough quality food, that will last most the night, then muscle cannot be bult. In fact, for body repair adn recovery, your body will catabolize the existing muscle tissue. This will resort in less muscle, which means a lower metabolism. Yikes!
5) The last meal of the day should be a mix of protein and fat. I would eat again at 9pm or so. It could be 1/2 - 1 cup of cottage cheese and 1oz (about 16) almonds chopped up. Or something else that is a nice mix of long lasting protein and fat.
Hope this helps.