Alright guys,
Cheers for all the input youve got me thinking....
You definitely have a point about doing the back workout b4 the leg bicep day, not just because the biceps are still worn but as i found today my legs were still pretty wobbly from wednesday thanks to the loco leg workout i had which meant my deadlifts sucked as my hams were freakin out.
Reason i dont do legs at the end of the week is i go for a run at the weekend so i have to make sure their properly healed
Maybe i am doing a bit to much, this is pretty much as ive always trained and whatever i work out will ache for a couple a days after, i always assumed this was a good thing. Interesting that george says less can sometimes be better as i have heard this off other people.
Anyway thinkin new split might be something like
Monday legs
Tuesday Chest
Thursday back
Friday arms
Only prob is its hard for me to get down to the gym more than 3 times a week if you guys have a better idea for a 3 day split id appreciate the advice also planning on giving the 5x5 a try for a month or 2, ill let u know how it gos.
Anyway thanks again for input, im away for the weekend with the missus so wont be checkin any responses till monday.
Later guys have a fun weekend
Cheers for all the input youve got me thinking....
You definitely have a point about doing the back workout b4 the leg bicep day, not just because the biceps are still worn but as i found today my legs were still pretty wobbly from wednesday thanks to the loco leg workout i had which meant my deadlifts sucked as my hams were freakin out.
Reason i dont do legs at the end of the week is i go for a run at the weekend so i have to make sure their properly healed
Maybe i am doing a bit to much, this is pretty much as ive always trained and whatever i work out will ache for a couple a days after, i always assumed this was a good thing. Interesting that george says less can sometimes be better as i have heard this off other people.
Anyway thinkin new split might be something like
Monday legs
Tuesday Chest
Thursday back
Friday arms
Only prob is its hard for me to get down to the gym more than 3 times a week if you guys have a better idea for a 3 day split id appreciate the advice also planning on giving the 5x5 a try for a month or 2, ill let u know how it gos.
Anyway thanks again for input, im away for the weekend with the missus so wont be checkin any responses till monday.
Later guys have a fun weekend