well ... when MM decided to give up her favorite hobby (drinking) she needed SOMETHING to take up the slack time between working out and going to bed *sigh* Let's face it, after 12 years of marriage you can only wear your spouse for so long
I'm just NOT the arts and crafts sort of person, that leaves the internet or reading and to me, evening internet = requires no less than one or two glasses of wine
Off to work with me!!!
Have a good one shortie!!! Consider yourself nibbled
For travel, I try to make a stop at a grocery store wherever I am at - and I'm always staying in hotels. I've brought my own softside cooler & just keep refilling it w/ ice. Also check w/ the hotel - see if you can request a fridge and / or microwave. At the very worst I carry:
- protein mix
- pouch tuna
- small container of oatmeal
- bowl to mix oatmeal in - usually if you have at least a small coffee maker in your room you can heat the water in there. I also mix protein mix in the oatmeal.
If you have a fridge you can also buy precooked chicken strips & stuff like that & just make cold salads, etc.
As far as the "fat" -- especially since you've never done a couple rounds of competition prep - you've basically done a first draft of body transformation - where you are at right now is basically "what God gave you" - now you need to do the next level of cutting and it may take more than 1 cycle of "competition prep" to make those transformations of how your body naturally tends to build itself / deposit fat.
Doing cardio - Can you do steady state jogging or anything like that? I work up to 2 hrs of cardio for competition - that's what it takes for me - I can't speak to what 2x / week HIIT will do. You may have to experiment w/ more cardio to see how you respond to it and if you need more / different to get where you want. Again similar to the chance of muscle loss w/ lots of cardio & reduced cal diet - your goal is to cut fat & water right now so in the short term, more extreme cardio won't hurt you but you may have to find what amount produces the results you want.