*Bunny* said:Sorry TSO I must have misread, I did not know you were in a comp prep mindset ... my bad.
It's OK Bunny. I should have been a little more specific. I sometimes have problems putting things in words the way I mean them, but Sass has a way of doing it for me. It's not the first time she's been able to put in to words what I'm feeling, or trying to convey...
...and I've only recently begun to express my interest in competition. I'd like to take this photoshoot and do exactly that. Treat it as a comp. the great thing about this is that the company I'm doing the pics for is happy with what I've got now. This means no pressure for me by outside parties to lose fat/muscle for this job. I'm doing it for me - to prove that I can and also as a practice run for later.