Sassy69 said:
TSO you look fawking fantastic! My comments are going to be in the area specifically related to the goal of look a certain way on a certain day and also to put things in perspective which I know you probably are already aware of but as someone who sits around & critiques myself to no end as well as line ups of competitors who have prepped for national shows for a year .. these are my objective comments -
- your muscle looks great - no issues there at all. You have a short stature and IMO you are built more like a boy (and I'm comparing to people like me built w/ good German breeding hips...) so that lack of that more very defined hour glass proportion is going to impact how the caboose appears.
- on your body estrogen probably likes to sit in your butt & legs. That means you are probably holding a combination of fat & water in those areas, which on top of a solid muscle base, increases the perceived "squish" factor.
- Also I think the lighting is doing a bit to make you look smooth - that can be brutal on even the most shredded person if they look smooth.
- I don't think you said anything about dieting specifically for a photo shoot - its one thing to follow a very strict diet for clean muscle building - but I think your biggest issues are just the last remaining fat & where you tend to hold water. To that end, if your goal is to "do a photo shoot" -- then prep for the photo shoot. You have about 4 weeks so there you can focus on the cutting type of training, and I'd up the cardio too -- I wouldn't worry so much about "muscle loss" because you won't lose much in 4 weeks and your goal is "photo shoot" -- you can afford any loss plus your training mentality & lifestyle is such that in generaly you will get back any muscle loss that might occur very quickly -- IMO its a non issue. But note - I don't know how you respond to cardio but for me it takes a shitload of cardio to cut down my trouble areas - which are ass & waist.
- which brings me to diet. I didn't look at your log, but I'd change the diet to start doing serious cutting - think "Competition cutting' if you really want a "magazine quality fitness model" look. YOu NEED to be that lean otherwise it looks bulky like you are seeing now. I look bulky at 12% and I could've easily used another month of dieting & drop another 2% bf even on the day I was on stage at less than 8% bf last yr. So that tells you my issues & how I 'wear' my fat & muscle. So if you aren't already, you might consider a small drop in calories and go into a very closely monitored carb cycle and cut out all (most) cheat stuff, processed food, even condiments (don't know how salt affects you) -- basically clear out anything that would increase your tendency to hold water.
- "Peak week prep" -- diet & training help to a degree but to do the absolute fine tuning - i.e. get out as much water as possible - you should approach the photo shoot day like competition day & do a water deplete & carb deplete / load the last week prior to your shoot. Basically its just short term water manipulation to get out as much of the squish look as possible & fill out your muscle as much as possible. Like I said, if you are a body type that does like to hold water & fat in certain areas, you need to go that extra degree to get out as much water as possible or what is actually really great muscle & pretty lean can still look mushy, and relative to a tendency to not hold fat & water in other places, like your upper body, that contract can make it all appear just that much more squishy.
So... if you really want to go balls to the wall on that photo shoot that's what I would do - there's very little you can do as far as changing your training and all that - now its really just a matter of focusing on short term water manipulation as you are now probably at a state that your body can maintain very easily which is great, but the lighting & general nature of a photo shoot can make that daily muscle look bulky - so just dump the water your body tends to like to hold w/ teh muscle for the short term and then go back to what you do normally when your target event is over.
So in sum, consider -
- increasing cardio (don't worry about muscle loss - its not the goal & you can easily recover anything lost)
- tighter diet (think targeted competition diet)
- heavy lean on the last week carb deplete / load & water deplete up to your date.
THen just ease back into your normal routine & diet over the week following your date.
damn, i love you.
This will be a good test for me - or practice run - for a competition next year. This is exactly what I want to do. I want to treat it like a contest prep. I have no idea how my body reacts to this kind of prep, because I've never done it before. Taking a practice run like this will not only help me look fab for the photos, but will help me know my body better for a comp next year.
I'm at the lowest body fat I've ever been right now. I've always lacked the drive it takes (or so I thouoght) to compete or anything similar, and kept telling myself that holding my bodyfat at anything below 15-16% was unmanigeable for me. I was lying to myself.
( lolol that happens a lot, I'm afraid. ) I'm at 13-14% ish now, and have been holding here for a couple of months. It hasn't been nearly as difficult as I'd lead myself to believe.
Now - getting down to 8% sounds like a challenge, but not as challenging as I used to believe. I react very well to cardio. It comes off my ass last, of course, but I can almost see seperation in my legs already. If I dedicate myself to some serious cardio, it should come right off...mostly because I hardly do any, now.
Any increase in cardio is going to be a shock to my body and is exactly what it needs...
How much cardio should I be doing, and what method do you think will work the best? I know HIIT is the big winner in this forum, but I also read logs for contest prep where you ladies are doing 2 hours a day.
Also - some advice on cardio at home. I can't get into the gym every day out here. The most I can mamage is 2 x a week. sometimes only 1 x a week. I know Miss24 loves those sprints.
Any other ideas?
My obstacles in the next 4-6 weeks:
I leave wed. for my nephew's wedding in Solvang, CA. I'm staying in a hotel. No kitchen, no microwave. How do I follow a strict diet without being able to cook.
HELP HERE WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED. I can cook chicken, etc in advance and take it with me - I'd already planned on that...but any tips on contest dieting while traveling? I plan on going to the gym while I'm there, of course...
Olympia Weekend. I'll be there and it should be more motivating than detrimental to my diet. I don't have to urge to go out drinking and partying, so that's not an issue. Again - just diet help on the road.
Also - what do you think I should cut my calories down to, and do you still recommend 3 days of no/low carb followed by one carb up day?