Thanks, Spatts.
My problem with linear periodization seems to be as Tate points out in the first reference: Abilities aren’t maintained. A four-week cycle is certainly long enough to lose strength (while in the hypertrophy phase) or endurance (while in the strength phase). So skipping the hypertrophy phase and going from strength to speed may work better? Or maybe alternating week by week. I haven’t been incorporating a speed phase. I’m not sure I understand it. What sort of tempo is considered speed? It seems it would be very important to keep a controlled eccentric, right?
I may need more variety or perhaps specialization exercises for the back. I have trouble with my squat, but added one-foot bodyweight squats on a block and that’s helped a lot. Are Good Mornings significantly different from straight-legged deadlifts? The Good Mornings look scary to me – what happens if I fail? Here’s what I’m doing now, in a typical week. Any suggestions? I’m 43, 5’5”, 118 lb in gym clothes. Thanks again.
Hypertrophy Phase
Day 1: legs posterior chain
Abs hanging leg raises 3x10, wood choppers 3x10 each side
standing calf presses, holding a dumbbell, 3x15 each leg.
leg curls 3x12
regular deadlift 3x10
straight leg lunges w/dumbbells 3x10 *
* I get big time DOMS from straight-leg hamstring exercises even though it doesn’t feel like much at the time. Strange.
Day 2: Chest, triceps & shoulders
abs 2x(hanging leg raises x10, floor crunches x20, cable crunches x10)
Bench press bar warm-up set & 3x10
Incline dumbbell press 3x10
Bar dips 3x8
One-arm dumbbell tricep extension 3x8 each side
Hang clean & push press 3x10
Lateral raises 3x10
Day 3: Quads
Jump squats bar only 2x6
One-foot hops 1 min, stand on one foot, eyes closed 1 min, 1 min weighted stretch each leg
Squats warm-up set & 3x10
One foot squats on block, 3x10 + 10 count hold each side superset w/pull-ups 3x4
Walking lunges with dumbbells 3x15
Day 4: Back & biceps
Abs, swiss ball, rolls 3x10, full range crunches 3x10, twists w/10 lb 3x10
Chin-ups 3x8
Hammer iso-row machine superset inner & outer handles 3x10
Lat pulldown 3x10
Dumbbell bicep curls, alternating 3x10
Wrist rotations w/dumbbell 3x8
Barbell wrist curls bar+20 lb 3x10 each flexion & extension
Strength phase is pretty similar, except I change the weight and do 5x5 for these exercises:
Bench press
Hang clean & push press
Bar dips
Bicep curls
Hammer iso-row or barbell bent row