Hello everyone,
I am starting to be a little concerned as some of my side effects just aren't going away and I am not quite the same as I was prior to the aas. I was wondering if you fine folks could help me out who are more knowledgeable. I am in IT and do a fair amount of reading and researched/worked out for over a year before I did anything but even then I still shouldn't have. I thought it would be fairly straight forward. Playing Dr. when you are anything but is a bad idea and I see that now.
Kind of a long read but if you would I would greatly appreciate it. Also I can help anyone out in the PMs with any kind of computer problem for a bit of repayment (lol).
I started working out at the end of 2008, never did athletics or anything before and decided to make a change. I came on the net at 130lbs and immediately asked about aas. Got flamed to shit and started reading about dieting and began working out. Using 3ad a non methlated compound and about a year and 4 months of busting ass I got up to about 168. I got impatient and decided to run a Sus 250 cycle I got from a friend.
I got everything ahead of time. Clomid and Pinz. Ran the stuff at 2x 250mg shots wed/thursday. Weight shot up but no strength really... only went from benching 195 to 225 (odd) but I got up to about 190. I worked out like a mad man and didn't feel as good and a million bucks feeling as I did on the plain old 3ad. I thought the stuff was bunk but my weight went up so I stayed on. In the middle of it I got some small sensitivy so I bought some inhibit E and accidentally over dosed it. 75mg ATD a day for about 1.5 weeks on accident. Killed all my estrogen.. backed it back down and weight started goin back up.
8 Week Cycle ended.. I waited 3 weeks to start the Clomid...
100 mg first day and then 50 every day after .. at about week three I wasn't recovering that great and found out that my clomid was more than likely bunk. It was CLEAR and had barely any bad taste at all (AG). I thought it was odd since I read they all look kinda crystally and taste HORRIBLE. Ordered some nolva from ARR and Ran 40/40/20. Researching it showed that it tasted horrible and crystal'd up as said online.
After PCT penis kinda shriveled... nuts still small.. . almost like 1 ball most of the time... low sex drive. I used to be a mad man. Sex as often as I could. Lotsa dirty talk/just horny as hell in general and if I couldnt get any I made sure I did it myself. Not the case anymore.. and it was more extreme during this time. Just not too interested. My girlfriend has commented that before and during the cycle and after is greatly different.
I stopped working out in may(3 or so months after pct) due to an accident for about 4 months. I lost alot of weight went back down to like 163. But I started eating my ass off and working out again at the mid part of august. I sit here today at 190lbs and bench has went up from 195 to 240.
I still dont have that great of a sex drive. I still have sex regularly 2-3 days but not everyday like before. Now occassionally I have big testies and big P but its like once a week maybe twice. I am getting big hard hard ons now (thankfully) but only once in awhile. It had been so long my skin actually tears like a stretch mark on it lately. So it must be getting better. GF has said it's gotten bigger and they are more hard vs kinda soft now. However my strength isnt going back up as fast and I still dont feel like I used to. I regret it all and think the stuff may have possibly been a mislabeled DECA. I also have a nice ring of fat around midsection. Could be due to diet. Only cardio I get is punching bag rounds/ground and pound bag rounds/boxing 3 minute rounds. No running.
Any help guys? Maybe a second pct? some hcg? I am currently a week into the activate xtreme/tyrizole stack and have been feeling more horny lately and nuts kinda big for about 3 days in a row for about half the day(rarish) so it may just be that, but thats got me thinkin my test may still not be recovered.
I am starting to be a little concerned as some of my side effects just aren't going away and I am not quite the same as I was prior to the aas. I was wondering if you fine folks could help me out who are more knowledgeable. I am in IT and do a fair amount of reading and researched/worked out for over a year before I did anything but even then I still shouldn't have. I thought it would be fairly straight forward. Playing Dr. when you are anything but is a bad idea and I see that now.
Kind of a long read but if you would I would greatly appreciate it. Also I can help anyone out in the PMs with any kind of computer problem for a bit of repayment (lol).
I started working out at the end of 2008, never did athletics or anything before and decided to make a change. I came on the net at 130lbs and immediately asked about aas. Got flamed to shit and started reading about dieting and began working out. Using 3ad a non methlated compound and about a year and 4 months of busting ass I got up to about 168. I got impatient and decided to run a Sus 250 cycle I got from a friend.
I got everything ahead of time. Clomid and Pinz. Ran the stuff at 2x 250mg shots wed/thursday. Weight shot up but no strength really... only went from benching 195 to 225 (odd) but I got up to about 190. I worked out like a mad man and didn't feel as good and a million bucks feeling as I did on the plain old 3ad. I thought the stuff was bunk but my weight went up so I stayed on. In the middle of it I got some small sensitivy so I bought some inhibit E and accidentally over dosed it. 75mg ATD a day for about 1.5 weeks on accident. Killed all my estrogen.. backed it back down and weight started goin back up.
8 Week Cycle ended.. I waited 3 weeks to start the Clomid...
100 mg first day and then 50 every day after .. at about week three I wasn't recovering that great and found out that my clomid was more than likely bunk. It was CLEAR and had barely any bad taste at all (AG). I thought it was odd since I read they all look kinda crystally and taste HORRIBLE. Ordered some nolva from ARR and Ran 40/40/20. Researching it showed that it tasted horrible and crystal'd up as said online.
After PCT penis kinda shriveled... nuts still small.. . almost like 1 ball most of the time... low sex drive. I used to be a mad man. Sex as often as I could. Lotsa dirty talk/just horny as hell in general and if I couldnt get any I made sure I did it myself. Not the case anymore.. and it was more extreme during this time. Just not too interested. My girlfriend has commented that before and during the cycle and after is greatly different.
I stopped working out in may(3 or so months after pct) due to an accident for about 4 months. I lost alot of weight went back down to like 163. But I started eating my ass off and working out again at the mid part of august. I sit here today at 190lbs and bench has went up from 195 to 240.
I still dont have that great of a sex drive. I still have sex regularly 2-3 days but not everyday like before. Now occassionally I have big testies and big P but its like once a week maybe twice. I am getting big hard hard ons now (thankfully) but only once in awhile. It had been so long my skin actually tears like a stretch mark on it lately. So it must be getting better. GF has said it's gotten bigger and they are more hard vs kinda soft now. However my strength isnt going back up as fast and I still dont feel like I used to. I regret it all and think the stuff may have possibly been a mislabeled DECA. I also have a nice ring of fat around midsection. Could be due to diet. Only cardio I get is punching bag rounds/ground and pound bag rounds/boxing 3 minute rounds. No running.
Any help guys? Maybe a second pct? some hcg? I am currently a week into the activate xtreme/tyrizole stack and have been feeling more horny lately and nuts kinda big for about 3 days in a row for about half the day(rarish) so it may just be that, but thats got me thinkin my test may still not be recovered.
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