Hi Girls...long time...
I have suffered with my skin for years, did Roaccutabe at 19, it worked liek a dream, cleared me for years no rpobs, now I am 30 and since February I have had acne again, but not on th esides of my face thank the lord just all round the chin and a bit oabove the lip. Total bummer for me having been clear for so long, none on my back.
I know with me that it is purely hormonal and internal.
I friend recently suggested I take a high dose course of Pantothenic Acid tabs, each tab is 500mg I am taking 4 a day, i will lower the dose once I see some results....my dielmma is, am I imagining it or does it make you more hungry than normal, of so I'll have to stop as my BF is high and I cant afford to get any heavier.
can anyone verify this or the fact that it clear the sking at all.
Just intersted in your opinions girls.
Sheena x
I have suffered with my skin for years, did Roaccutabe at 19, it worked liek a dream, cleared me for years no rpobs, now I am 30 and since February I have had acne again, but not on th esides of my face thank the lord just all round the chin and a bit oabove the lip. Total bummer for me having been clear for so long, none on my back.
I know with me that it is purely hormonal and internal.
I friend recently suggested I take a high dose course of Pantothenic Acid tabs, each tab is 500mg I am taking 4 a day, i will lower the dose once I see some results....my dielmma is, am I imagining it or does it make you more hungry than normal, of so I'll have to stop as my BF is high and I cant afford to get any heavier.
can anyone verify this or the fact that it clear the sking at all.
Just intersted in your opinions girls.
Sheena x