New member
Follow Realgains advice. It's the best advice you are going to get. I had the SAME problem. I'm not going to down volume training, it got me to a weight of 255lbs, but after a while my body just couldn't do it, and no matter what, I wasn't progressing as I used to. I got sick like you had described. I took time off, and then PMed Realgains, he gave me the same advice as in the sticky above. It worked wonders. I am stronger than ever before, and I always add weight to the bar, or more reps.
It may not seem like it will work, and it's damn hard to break the daily gym habit, BUT it sounds like it's just what you need.
It may not seem like it will work, and it's damn hard to break the daily gym habit, BUT it sounds like it's just what you need.