YEA HEy thanks guys lets just rank on cubanito over here, since we have nothing better to do. Na j/m i'ma jokster I can take it. Well I read from my own library of links one that was talking about building mass part 1 and 2 by Berardi. And there's one thing I don't get the cal intake he's speaking of is just about what i'm doing right now. I calculated and it's really about 60g/fat 250g/carbs and close to 200g/protein and cal intake is around 2300 I seriously can't eat that much. I just don't get that hungry and I know so manny carbs isn't good for me right. And I need the protein to build a good statue of muscle. DAMNIT why does this diet stuff have to be soooo hard. Now that I wanna gain weight I can't. I was eating donuts, M&Ms, cookies, rolls, chicken sandwhiches, went to mcdonalds 5 hamburgers and super size fries, plus my shakes and bars and cereal and granola bars and meatball subs. Also the 2 gallons of water minimum and I didn't gain 1lb today. HOW THE FUCK. I mean don't get me wrong i do like it in a way. But wouldn't I want to be heavier to lift more. Or is it cool as long as i'm eating alot and I weigh what I do now, 177.