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I think we understand that you want some details about how these things are working, but what we are trying to say is that a diet or a training schedule isn't an exact thing - its hard to post exactly every detail of a diet and they change often. Most diets posted are a basis and leave room for adjustment or change to fit a particular day's schedule. I also dont' know if you want to get your gf on the boards or not but generally if she doesnt' do it for herself, does her own research and asks her own questions, its much harder. As I said, its an education and adjustment of basic rules to fit your (her) lifestyle and preferences. It doesnt' happen overnight and even a good trainer/dietician will not be able to provide an exact diet without "looking" at her - does she tend to gain weight in her hips or her stomach? Is she lacking something in her diet that is making her skin dry out, is she sensitive to certain foods, is she taking any supplements? We can provide some basics here, but can't give everything -- you and she need to take some initiatives now. THAT is why I initially recommended the Body for Life book -- it provides about 95% of what you are asking by providing the basics as well as the options to adjust it to what you need.
I think we understand that you want some details about how these things are working, but what we are trying to say is that a diet or a training schedule isn't an exact thing - its hard to post exactly every detail of a diet and they change often. Most diets posted are a basis and leave room for adjustment or change to fit a particular day's schedule. I also dont' know if you want to get your gf on the boards or not but generally if she doesnt' do it for herself, does her own research and asks her own questions, its much harder. As I said, its an education and adjustment of basic rules to fit your (her) lifestyle and preferences. It doesnt' happen overnight and even a good trainer/dietician will not be able to provide an exact diet without "looking" at her - does she tend to gain weight in her hips or her stomach? Is she lacking something in her diet that is making her skin dry out, is she sensitive to certain foods, is she taking any supplements? We can provide some basics here, but can't give everything -- you and she need to take some initiatives now. THAT is why I initially recommended the Body for Life book -- it provides about 95% of what you are asking by providing the basics as well as the options to adjust it to what you need.