Any way, we don't know how long she has been training. Ten years down the line I suspect I will have made a fair wedge of progress and been able to balance out my freaky bits with my goddamn diddy bits......
And as far as being in every magazine, well, I can't recall the last time I saw an article with Valentina Chepiga, and she's Miss O, so what chance does anyone stand of getting coverage if they're female?
I think the reason that you do not see more of Valentina has less to do with her physique and more to do with her management (Yea, I am gonna catch heat for that, but the info came straight from the horses mouth.)
I am not going to say that I KNOW FOR FACT natural or not because I was not there, hehe. But if I had to wager on the eyes of my children....I would say - NOT.
The definition of "natural" I suppose could be the source of the problem, but I still find it unlikely she acheived that bod without using any undeniably anabolic substances.