Gonna add a couple insights and add to what a few have already mentioned.
First off I don't consider using steroids cheating. In pro sports a large percentage of players are on them. In bodybuilding shows that aren't specifically natural you can guarantee anyone in the top 10 are on them.
People are always looking for the perfect routine, the perfect supplements, the perfect post-workout shake yadda yadda. Everyone is always looking for another edge. Steroids are that edge. The most effective edge you can use after quality training, good food and sleep.
Most guys that train consistently, not these peckerwoods that go on a cycle for spring break or some bullshit train harder than your average guy. They want to get their money's worth. They eat more protein to make sure they are getting the most out of the aas. To use a good example I specifically watch my salt intake as I tend to notice minor bp increases if I'm too liberal with the salt while on. This is a benefit as my body says you may be able to use excessive salt while off, but you should think twice while on. This has led me to believe that using excessive salt in general was ignorance on my part and not paying attention to my body.
People take anti-depressants left and right. Getting lipo suction or a boob job nowadays is nothing. Even 18 year old girls with well to do parents are getting them. Botox, facial reconstruction. Cholesterol meds, bp meds, bagillions of meds.
So wtf is wrong with responsible aas use? I agree kids and teenagers should not be using them, but imo most guys are pretty much fully grown as far as stature is concerned by 21. I would say that if they ever legalized aas(never gonna happen in my lifetime) that having a minimum age of 25 would be decent. That and having doctor supervision for very reasonable rates. Good clean injects, periodic monitoring. building bigger, healthier bodies. Read frickin science fiction books. I'd bet money 100 years from now people are going to be chem'd out the ass.
Some people say that you should train the same when on as off. My experience is limited as I have only done a handful of cycles, but my experience tells me that volume and intensity or both should go up on cycle. You can tolerate more workload and a higher percentage of your 1 rep max while on.
The positive benefits of aas used in moderation outweigh the negatives imo when you eat decently, sleep decent and train hard. If you don't drink or smoke and rarely use any other recreational drugs unless you have tendencies towards high bp or cholesterol issues I would go out on a limb and guarantee you are healthier than your natural buds that maybe don't even treat their bodies bad, but don't eat so good and drink at least once a week.
That's my limited opinion on it.