Spatts, just so you know I've pulled 655 after using this form, I'm not a deadlifter. Kara B. Does all three and uses this technique Jen Burke pulle 355 at 120 and does the same bench technique...
Ko explained this statement, maybe this will help "deciphering" it: He used our differences in the deadlift as an example. He has alot more "explosive" strength, while I have that steady, static strength. Ko has this great bar speed, while I start out fast, but as I lift, slow down to the lockout ( I'm rather dramatic...hehehe). SO, building Ko's "static" speed will help in the INITIAL lift so that he can THEN rely on that bar speed to the lockout.
In squats, you'll have that great bar speed; once you get moving, you have no problem in firing out of the "hole" of the squat. The "static" strength will help you start out of the hole, THEN once you get the bar moving your explosiveness will take over.
Whew. Does any of this make sense?
BTW: spatts, I really don't know why you don't think of getting into Olympic lifting. Ya got that great natural speed and explosiveness. Just combine that with the great strength and Boom you have a champion Oly-lifter.
I will be training at Westside on a regular basis following my August comp. I'm looking forward to all the information I'm going to soak up. I'm sure it will be a very rewarding experience.
This one is the 330 x 1. You can kind of see that it goes up pretty easy (cleaner than the 315), but as soon as I lock it, I just dump it straight forward...
Amazing Spatts, It looks like you have a very supportive crowd around you rooting you on. You really seem to love what you do and it show by the great big smile on your face and the sparkle in you eyes when you came up from under 330lbs. Did ya ever think for one second you would be benching that much weight in one weekend.
Keep the videos coming, they are a true inspiration to all of us who would love to be able to do half of what you do.
I haven't had the opportunity to work with anyone with so much time and knowledge under their belt but hopefull in the winter I will be able to make a trip to Mississippi and as you say "Pick BigGuns ( Rebecca's) brain" and learn what I need to know to get the ball rolling and do some PL.