Harsh??? Dude, you have awesome symmetry, super low body fat, and you're not freaky looking at all. If I were you, I'd just try and mantain that physique. A lot of guys just go a little too far. I'm super jealous.
You are looking fascinating. By chance can you post your measurements? Just curious. I am the same height and weight and in the middle of a bulking cycle. Thanks-Yenko
Shit---- that is exactly the look I am shooting for... you look awesome... I will save your pic as motivation when I get pissed off and want to quit.. your look is my goal!
stups-you neard! bet you don't know who this is.You didn't look like that inDC-awesome bro. I'll grab your # from NJstacked, I wanna see how you have been doin.By the way,How's your boySammy?lol
what size arms do you have ..17 ...I bet ...I am about the same size as you but i have the smooth look im 5/6 ..174 ...my ams are 16 1/4 with pump ....How many cycles have you done ?