no gear. i've been natural for over a year, maybe more. i see nothing wrong with using AAS but personally for ME I feel alot more healthy when I am off. My workouts are intense when I am on a cycle, but my main goal right now is to lose as much bodyfat as possible. Heres a typical day for me..
3 eggs w/ cheese and bacon (my high fat meal -- 2 net carbs)
Lunch :
1 chicken breast, 1 cup cabbage, 1/4 cup almonds
Supper :
1 decent size pork chop, 1 cup broccoli, ceasar salad
When I get hungry between my main meals I will eat the following... pepperoni slices, sugar free peanut butter, almonds, sunflow kernels(VERY healthy by the way), or just some brocolli stems.
Also using flax seed oil to help get some extra good fat in. It is working so far. I've lost alot of water and am thirsty all the time.