I do use shakes. If I can find cheap milk protein isolate, I'll throw 6 eggs some veggies and the powder in a blender.
Check the lunch meal. I think I said maybe because I don't do it on a regular basis. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don;t. I'm not the most consistent person when it comes to diet. I don't count calories. I guesstimate based on portion sizes. The days of taking the tuna out of the can and weighing it were over years ago. Also the days of pre cooking meals to control portion sizes are also over. That stuff is for diet nazi's.
Thanks for the insight. Maybe you can enlighten me on the new updated and modern protocols you have been referring to throughout this thread? From what you were sayin I need help improvin my 'outdated' WM+whey iso+glute+BCAA regime?!
So whats your PWO regime?
I think Southernlord asked the same question. From what I can remember he uses a similar method to me.(?)
Thx in advance