I guess the better question is what's wrong with it??
As I posted, there is no evidence that the use of high dose high GI carbs induces a protein synthesis response any better then other diet regimes...
Once again why switch from what he is currently doing if there is no proof whatsoever that what he is currently doing for PWO is bad or wrong???
There are several other studies which say the same thing I just posted. Unfortunately what we believed in 2002,2003 about diet and training is probably wrong. At one point we believe the earth was flat. People just need to learn what is really factual and adjust
Then post evidence that your way is better...
Unfortunately too many people read advertisements in magazines and online sites and just assume what the supplement companies are telling them is correct. What you need to understand that alot of this is profit driven. What many of those people are saying has nothing to do with bodybuilding science or testing methodologies at all
All ur really sayin is there is no eveidence for ANYTHIN an playin Devils advocate.
OK fine. I know bro's who have done insulin only cycles - I can assure you, that had major effects on the levels of protein synthesis (and fat in excessiv elevels) over very short periods.
I can also tell you since using the WM combo PWO, I have seen great improvements in LBM. Ans I stay lean.
Johnson, unfortunately the world wont stand still because you cannot find decisive studies proving one way or the other.
I thin we all know insulin plays a major part in bodybuilding. I think we also know a lotta the top bro's on here follow a diet similar to my own.
Id be interested to know what your diet looks like - if in fact you dare eat at all