Licensed many, many years. She has strongly suggested that we do certain things based on experience in helping people. She has never put a gaurantee on any rekindling of feelings. She has always said that when both parties are 100% committed to bettering themselves that the feelings will return. This is of course assuming no outside influences such as boyfriends/girlfriends, etc. Plus you must honestly be 100% commited. If not you will not have anything. And she has always maintained there is no gaurantee.
She has maintained in fact that I let her go as that is the only way she would ever return. The counselor is supposed to make you feel very uncomfortable and when you are making wrong choices she will point them out and not mince words.
We both like her and feel she is qualified completely to help us whatever the final outcome.
Again, I have the line in the sand drawn. Once crossed it is borrowed time.