I plan on going balls to the wall for 3-4 days and then taking 3-4 days off. I seem to get the most gains this way. You guys have opinions about this?
Hey led - I have test c, deca and eq. Never done anything but this first PH cycle.
I was thinking of adding in a low dose of those - like 125 week each. What do you think?
I really like the idea of doing EQ - although I only have one vial of EQ300, one of Deca 250, and two of Test C 250
EQ needs to be ran for 14-16 weeks to get any real benefit from it, and it should be ran 400-600mg EW so 1 vial of EQ is not enough...what are your goals, how many cycles have you done before, what will your PCT be? 1 vial of Deca & EQ isn't enough, you can run the test for 10-12 weeks if this is your first cycle, and run it @ 250-500mg EW...leave the other two alone...just my $.02

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