I always try to come in the shape I want to be in about a month before my show so I can see if there are things that need to be adjusted, tweaked, and changed. I recommend this strategy to everyone who competes and who is contemplating on competing. I gave you a rough estimate of my BF and YES, it is hard to contain for a long period, so I will eat what I want here and there, so I'm sure my BF fluctuates during that month until the last 10 days I really hunker down.
This past weekend I ate nothing but junk food because I felt I could afford to. We ate everything! I ate at 3 different fast food restaurants, I'm not lying, lol. I ate a gallon of ice cream and a bag of chips later on that night. I woke up with veins everywhere looking all full. I will do that during that month time period and I will also eat more. I just manipulate and tweak during that time period...
I'm supposed to hit the IFBB North American Championships August 30-31 but I'm feeling like I'm lagging in a couple major areas: quad sweep, lower back, and overall back thickness. My man checked me out and he said I'm big and tight enough but he thinks for me to do real well at that level I need to get those areas up, and agree. I'm leaning on taking a back seat this year and giving myself another year to work on those areas and get even bigger. I'm sort of disappointed because I have an astronomical amount of time and money invested but I'm not going to embarrass myself, or not so much that, I flat out want to win..
But I will let you guys see what I look like here in the next couple weeks. We can have a little picture thread and we can all post up. It will be fun.